Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

The first entry of our blog. My SIL and I are starting together about the trials and adventures of moving, raising daughters and crafting along the way.
Today was a great day. I got to celebrate Father's Day with my dad and family. What's hard is that I know next year at this time I won't be able to because we will be living in another state. Speaking of which, the move is going slow. For those who don't know my husband was offered another job with a company in another state. North Carolina to be exact. I am excited and sad at all the possibilities. When we first talked about a move to another state I was like sure, like that will ever happen I thought, HA. We are now moving. We are now in the process of selling my little 110 yr old house that I have grown to love. The 'man' starts his job next week and will be floating home on weekends. I on the other hand, will be here in Illinois wrapping up all those loose ends.
Did I mention that my son is getting married this summer? A shower to throw? A grand family reunion? My daughter has camp and a birthday? OY! Gone is my slow moving enjoyable summer now is this and that has to be done.
So I turn to reading, knitting and crocheting to calm my frazzled nerves. Not to mention, that my wonderful 'man' is sending me to New Orleans with my sister for a week! Oh, I am sooo looking forward to that! There will be tons of pictures coming!
We first thought about renting a house in NC until we lived in the area. Good thinking, until we found out that we own a 'highly dangerous dog' and only ONE person will rent to us. Hmph. I never saw that one coming. So now my man and I are planning a major house hunting expedition to NC in a couple of weeks. I feel like I am being forced into buying. I hope to find something that fits all our needs. I can't see leaving one of our dogs behind because she is considered dangerous! Though, she would lick you to death then anything else. I know you dog people out there know what I mean, my dogs have always been part of the family.
Currently I am knitting my second pair of socks. The first unassisted pair if you will. And then I got a crazy idea to crochet my munchkin a dress or tank top using solid granny squares. I saw it on a blog and thought hey I could do that but do it differently. I have yet to sit down and figure out the measurements yet! HA.

1 comment:

  1. It won't be hard to do at all - the crafting projects. Everything will fall into place! I think this blog will be a great way to keep everyone together - can't wait for Shannon's entry. On to N.O.
