Sunday, November 11, 2012

Things That Make Me Go...Hmmmmm

I've been busy working on a pair of fingerless gloves.  I made them out of extra sock yarn that I had laying around from when I first started knitting.  I've come a long way on my yarn buying skills.  Though I still make mistakes and tend to over think the buying process.  I also challenged myself with the picot edging.  Thank goodness for Youtube!  I am SUCH a visual gal I couldn't make any sense out of the written directions!  YEA for videos!  I like how they turned out, even worn them a couple of times!  That's saying a lot for me.  My sister, says that she is a process knitter, one who knits and then gives away..... I wonder if I am the same way?  I have very few items that I have knitted, two pair of socks...maybe.  The rest were given away for gifts.  Hmmmmmm, apple..tree... ring a ding ding.

The pattern is: Lace Gloves , (ref=sib_dp_pt ) One Sock Wonders

One thing that I have learned is that there is a HUGE difference in sock yarn. Texture, nylon, fiber!  Live and Learn!  I'm still learning, I don't think that EVER ends, nor do I want it to!

I didn't get too much done this week around the house.  I was at my daughter's school everyday.  WOW!  Then on Friday my little one was down with the flu.  Between taking care of her and other household duties I did manage to go through my stash of yarn and widdle down the 'extras' but still find it hard to take it to Goodwill!?  I keep thinking... I should hold onto that...... hmmmm

I did manage to start and ALMOST finish a Christmas gift.  I can't put it up yet.  I feel proud of myself because I DID use yarn from my 'stash'.  I still have more things to make!!

Finished hats for husband!

Happy Day to you and yours!

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